Stan and kyle just bought a new Xbox 360 and there always playing guitar hero and they are actually really good at it. Everyone goes over to there house all the time to watch them play and then one day stans dad shows them a real guitar and they don't care so he tells them they will never get anything out of this stupid game and then later that day they get 100k points nad this person comes to there house. Hes from a talent searching place and they want stan and kyle to go and become pro and tey and get 1mmilion points and unlock super stardom mode and off course the 2 accept and they are now on there journy to become pros.
After there first practise the agency decided that Kyle was not good enough and that he would be cut off the team and that stan would have a new partner this proffesional kid that could even play guitar hero accoustic because he had playing this game so much. Kyle goes off and starts playing guitar hero at a bar for extra money while stan is practising hard and then he gets sick of guitar hero so he goes to the game shop and asks for a new game so the guy gives him a game called Heroin hero this game gets him very addicted and then when the go to practise one day before the massive show were they are going to try and get 1 million points he pissed off his partner and then his partner quits so he has to go get 1 milion points solo. Once he goes home he just plays more heroin hero and then plays all night and when he gets to the show he stuffs up and can barly play because he has had no sleep.
This makes him quit the game and he feels very guilty and sad for letting kyle get kicked off the team and he noticed he was having fun playing the game bcause he was always playing it with Kyle so he goes to the bar and persaudes him to become freinds again and to forget about eveything that happened before. THey then go to stans house and all there freidns come and they get 1 million points unlock super stardom and all it says is YOU HAVE PLAYED THIS GAME TO MUCH YOU HAVE NO LIFE so they just say meh and walk off then Cartmen and butters start playing it because they want to become the next pros of the world.
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